Self-Direction empowers Marylanders with IDD by allowing them to customize their care, hire their own support staff, and control their budgets, rather than relying on traditional service providers. It gives individuals the flexibility to live independently, work, and engage in the community in a manner that provides them an opportunity to thrive on their own terms.
• 3,600+ Marylanders self-direct their services, tailoring their care to meet unique needs.
• 20,000 individuals and families rely on IDD services, many of whom would be forced into institutional settings without Self-Direction.
• Local businesses, Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), and community vendors all benefit from the flexibility and employment opportunities generated by Self-Direction.
I am 35 years old. I have Cerebral Palsy, Seizure Disorder and an Intellectual Disability. I am completely dependent on my staff to assist me with all activities of daily living. I enjoy Theatre, Church, bowling, cheerleading, swimming and any activities related to Disney. I love spending time with my family and friends. (Read More)
Timmy is the Boss and he has:
• a choice to participate in the SDS program.
• a plan and a budget.
• people who love and work for him providing the highest quality of care.
• activities to fulfill his day.
• Olmstead Decision (1999): This Supreme Court ruling affirms that individuals with disabilities must receive services in the most integrated setting possible. Self-Direction fulfills this promise by helping individuals stay in their homes and communities.
• Medicaid HCBS Waiver Programs: The Community Pathways Waiver supports individuals in avoiding institutionalization, yet funding cuts are making self-directed services harder to access
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